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International Consulting | UDC

International Consulting

International Consulting

We offer our customers an extensive range of compentence and experience within development work, through the companies roster of international consultants. Our customers can be found in both developing and developed countries, and in areas as the Business sector, Public sector, Organizations and Ministries.

UDC AB is specialized in International Recruitment and CSR-activities. Since the start in 2006, we have made several projects within these two business areas. Within Recruitment we offer our customers the right consultant and competence for doing development projects. Most often we act as sub-consultants to larger colleagues in the market. As CSR-consultants and lecturers we have assisted several companies and organizations, in various countries and cultures. CSR-lectures and activities have been done for customers as business, organizations and the public sector. Activities have been concluded in several countries, as for example Sweden, Egypt and Turkey. We strive for serious and long-term impact on the sustainability-activities of our customers.

We provide recruitment service to our clients as a sub-contractor and every case is unique, so the service and product we provide to our customers is formed ad-hoc and in deep cooperation with our clients. Our experienced team works with finding and recruiting consultants to many different projects, everything from regional development to education within Finance and Banking, and it can be both governmental and non-governmental projects. We aim to find a selection of possible candidates for a project within a maximum of three working days, which can be seen as our true efforts as a sub-contractor.We handle all our clients with the highest confidentiality and our primary goal is to establish a relation built on trust. We want you to feel secure by choosing UDC as your supplier of skilled labor and workforce. Therefore we will always stand as a support through the whole project, and be there if anything unexpected happens. We know how important it is with a reliable partner and find out by your own that we are a reliable partner that supplies consistent quality.

We have a comprehensive database filled with CV’s from some of the most qualified consultants avaliable. Contact our recruiting staff if you have any questions or if you feel that we could be an asset within your organization.

We can assist you and your organization with the whole range of CSR-activities, from and initial survey about what seems to be suitable and reachable goals and activities, and then through the whole process of securing the match that is natural both not always visible in “Walk the Talk”.

Within sustainability and CSR we have both theoretical and practical knowledge, and we see a project with our customers as enriching and want to make long-term impact. Throughout a year we meet customers in business, academy as well as in organizations and within the society. Our customers take use of our experience, and that is then applied to the actual context, and we make progress together.

Since year 2006 we are a member of the CSR-network UN Global Compact, and it is our intention to both live after these principles and to act as an ambassador for the. We take part of meetings and conferences within the area, at both the UN and at the national Swedish organization Globalt Ansvar, that is a part of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The UN Global Compact covers four areas and have ten principles to follow, the areas are: Human Rights, Environment, Labour Standards and Anti-Corruption.