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Gottorps Gård | UDC

Gottorps Gård

Gottorps Gård

The pictures below are from Gottorps Gård (Bunkeflostrand, Malmo, Sweden), it shows a great piece of tradition and history, and sadly it was put an end to it when it was demolished in year 2011. Coming in the hands of people more focused on fast profit than beauty and tradition, and not having in mind alternative uses, it was let down together with an astonishing garden of two hectares (about five acres) full of oaks and other beautiful trees.

As being able to acquire this estate, though with increased price and decreased condition over just some short years, we can regret our choice because we did not have in mind that somebody could demolish such a great pice of land and house. Our decision was then to legally secure and protect the name of it, and to use it as our platform and subsidiary for coming projects.

The focus is here on possibilities that occur within farming and housing. It can be about to acquire a farm or house in the nearby area, and to strengthen it with both renovations as well as added tenants with longterm purposes and contracts. This will be of advantage to maintain old structures and history combined with financial strength and sustainability, we are interested in combining the best of business and behavior. Old and unique farms and houses do not have to be demolished-they can be kept and upgraded for new purposes and coming generations.

In using the name of Gottorps Gård we have in mind the people and society that lost the largest and greatest green-spot in the area of Bunkeflostrand, and our corporate vision and mission will be to show that such places can be saved for the future, with doing well by doing good, and in our world it is to protect these beautiful parts of our surrounding by long-term profitability.