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About us | UDC

About us

About us

At UDC AB we have a lean organization, still having great capacity of independent long-term colleagues and contacts in our roster. Our experience is rather biased towards international consulting and CSR-activities, as well as property development. As our contact surfaces are both wide and deep regarding knowledge and experience, it is not a great challenge to form a project group that can handle what our customers ask us to do. Several of us within the board and management have experiences from working abroad, and especially the knowledge about Africa, Asia and Europe is great.

Since year 2006 we are a member of the CSR-network UN Global Compact, and it is our intention to both live after these principles and to act as an ambassador for them. We take part of meetings and conferences within the area, at both the UN and at the national Swedish organization Globalt Ansvar, that is a part of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The UN Global Compact covers four areas and have ten principles to follow, the areas are: Human Rights, Environment, Labour Standards and Anti-Corruption.

We have a focus on providing consultants for International Projects and also to be an advanced provider of CSR-education and activities. At Tygelsjö Gård we provide premises for living, storage and lighter activities and at Gottorps Gård we manage our future activities that has a focus on acquiring premises and land, with the idea to create long-term and healthy operations and being able to preserve historical places with value for people and stakeholders throughout the society.

Board of Directors:

– Jacob Bennet (1966), Chairman of Board, since year 2006.

MSc in BA. Today: Farming and forestry, owner of Slättängs Gård and Slättängs AB, as well as board member within several companies and organizations. Past: Senior positions within Dow Chemical, Bayer & Dow Ltd as well as LRF Konsult and Telia.

– Miomir Serbinson (1953),  Member of the Board, since year 2006.

MSc in Law, Executive MBA. Today: Independent International Consultant, and owner of PAD Consulting. Past: A variety of senior positions, among them Director for International Consulting at PwC in Sweden, Municipality Director in Staffanstorp and Hammarö in Sweden

– Peter Krell (1961), Member of the Board, since year 2006.

BSc in BA. Today: Independent Management Consultant, and owner of Krellus AB. Past: Various senior positions as for example within SAP AG and Intermark AS.

– Jörgen Wettbo (1966), Member of the Board, CEO, since year 2006.

MSc in BA, PhD-candidate in International Business. Today´s activities: PhD-candidate at Lund University, leave from Sparbanken Öresund as Corporate Advisor. Previous experience: Finance Officer at WMU/UN and Programme Officer at UNDP in Mongolia and Moldova, Budget Manager at the Öresundsbrokonsortiet AS, Finance Economist at Frigoscandia AB, Finance Manager within Sydkraft AB (Eon) and Credit Analyst at Nordbanken Luxembourg SA (Nordea). Lieutenant within the reserve at the Swedish Air Force.

Management Group:

– Eddie Gerba (1982). Vice President and Manager for Analyses and CSR. MSc Finance (Zürich) MSc Economics (Fabra/Barcelona). Focus Area: Management Training, Analyses and Strategies, CSR, Econometrics, Political Economy, Project Management.

– Marcus Ekeberg (1987). Manager ICT and Recruitment. BSc Strategic Communication (Lund). Focus Area: ICT-development and management, Recruitment, New Business Development.

– Bengt Gebert (1963). Manager Industrial and Organizational Development. MSc Mechanical Engineering, Logistics (Lund). Focus Area: Lean Production, Cost-cutting Processes, Change Management.

– Mikael Rappe (1956), Manager Project Development. MBA (Stockholm School of Economics). Focus Area: Management Systems, Organizational Development, Coordinating Projects, Regional Development, Environment.

Auditor: PwC, Björn Bengtsson (Chartered Accountant).

Accountant: Peter Santesson  Ekonomikonsult AB, Peter Santesson.

Banks: SEB, Swedbank.

Customers (present and past):

Examples within International Consulting and CSR: Aspero Kompetens, CDI Dental, EFL (for both EFL and Unionen), Exportrådet/Business Sweden (The Swedish Trade and Invest Council), GTZ (GIZ/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit).

Examples within Tygelsjö Gård: Human Entrance AB (for Tetra Pak), Malmö Stad, and companies for storage as well as families for residential.